My weight loss Plan
I’ve gotten several requests asking me how I’ve gone about losing the weight that I’ve lost thus far. I made a video explaining everything that I’ve done up until this point. If you click the video below you will be redirected to YouTube where you can watch. Below I have listed some additional information regarding some of the things that I talked about in the video including apps I use on a daily basis.
I also have a few before and after photos; wearing clothes that fit me 6+ months ago that are now too big. These are my go-to’s any time I am feeling like I haven’t made enough progress and need a big motivation boost. If you are embarking on a weight loss transformation I highly recommend you take before and after photos. You’ll be glad you did!
Don’t go on a “diet”; embark on a lifestyle change. Make it a habit and something you’ll do for the rest of your life!
-Walking One Step at a Time by Erling Kagge You can purchase on Amazon. Short and quick read filled will all things walking. Profound and informative. I also highly recommend Silence: In the Age of Noise by Erling Kagge It has nothing to do with weight loss or walking, it’s simply a fascinating book.
AUDIBLE: Download and listen to books while you walk. This app is available for Android or Apple devices.
MUSIC Via Spotify
-The Bryce Carson Radio Show
This is a weekly radio show born in Austin, TX and currently broadcasting out of Madrid, Spain. This show contains a plethora of music genres, has great beats to walk to and will keep you up to date with new and unique music. If you wish to expand your musical palate I highly recommend! You can learn more at or find the show on Spotify
-BBC Outlook Podcast: Excellent podcast coming from the UK. You will learn about a wide variety of subjects including interviews with individuals with crazy life stories.
-BBC Where Are You Going?: A 30 min podcast in a different location each time. A BBC journalist asks random strangers where they are going. It is always shocking and heartwarming.
-The Tim Ferriss Show: Author of Tribe of Mentors & Tools of Titans. He has a gift of interviewing people and getting to the core of difficult topics and how people became successful. You will be truly inspired by so many successful people, learning of their struggles, & they got where they are today.
-LOSE IT app for calorie tracking and also track your exercise. Available on both Android & Apple
-ZERO App for Intermittent Fasting. Available on both Android & Apple. Choose your length of fasting, and the timer will track and tell you when you are able to break your fast. Then just click “start fasting” when you are ready to begin again. You can choose how many hours you wish to fast from the built-in fasts or enter a custom fast.
FOOD SCALE: I weigh everything when cooking at home from bread to dry pasta, and meats. You can find a simple and inexpensive scale on Amazon or at Target.
Quotes to live by.
”You didn’t gain all your weight in one day; you won’t lose it in one day. Be patient with yourself.” Jenna Wolfe
”You can have your cake and lose weight, too!” Anonymous