WARNING! Danger Ahead…
”Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you are riding through the ruts, don’t complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief, and jealousy. Don’t bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!” Bob Marley
2020 is here and I hope that you are up and running. I hope that you have big goals that scare you and I hope that through some of my blog posts I can help keep you motivated for all the success that’s ahead of you.
If you’re already goal-oriented and have made significant changes in your life you already know there are some unexpected roadblocks ahead. You see, when you show success in any area of your life; show that you are making improvements, you will quickly find out who your true friends are.
When you make a choice to pursue a better life, whether it be a better job, a whole new career, a big promotion, better health, weight loss, dressing better etc…there is always someone out there wanting to push you back down where you started. You will encounter “Negative Nancy’s” and condemnatory individuals so it’s important that you learn to navigate the shark infested waters you’re at one point bound to swim through.
It’s happened to me so I understand how hurtful judgmental people can be especially if they are supposed to be your friends. They make snide sneaky remarks. Malicious little jabs thrown here and there. Sometimes so expertly placed you miss them until later on. Yes, they are hurtful but as an elegant lady you smile politely and ignore it, feeling that’s the best way to handle the situation. The fascinating thing is when someone is being judgmental and overly critical of you; when their opinions of you were unsolicited it merely shows how miserable they are. They are unknowingly being 100% transparent and laying their insecurities on the table for all to see and you know what? Their insecurities and issues are not your problem. Especially when they cut you down to try and make themselves feel better.
You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. It’s true! Don’t spend time with people who are not improving themselves, people who are always negative, judgemental, close-minded, thinking the worst is going to happen. That’s a miserable way to live. It’s toxic! You don’t want any of that energy being spread to you. Let them wallow in their misery. We are all responsible for the situations we are in, not anyone else.
Spend time with people who INSPIRE you, ENCOURAGE you, MENTOR you. People who are SMARTER than you, people who you ASPIRE to be more like, people who are more SUCCESSFUL than you. Surround yourself with the people who you want to be like and you’ll find even more success than you already have! You already made a decision to either have more prosperity in your life, a better career, lose weight, follow your passion…remember that whatever success you’re having can’t be undermined by anyone. Not your family. Not your friends. I have learned throughout the years and even more so recently through my lifestyle transformation that I have to recognize when people in my life no longer fit for the journey that I am on.
Just because someone was a great travel partner 10 or 20 years ago doesn’t mean they are appropriate for the journey you are on now. Know when to leave baggage behind.
Let this be the year that you take up for yourself. Don’t take any unsolicited negativity or spiteful attitudes from anyone; especially someone who is supposed to be your friend (because that’s not what friends do). Stop it in it’s tracks. You can take up for yourself in a polite and classy way. Recognize that you are on a journey for your best self, your best life and only the best people get to travel with you.