Is Your Success Inevitable?

Too often, as women, we look at ourselves through a macro lens. We become intensely focused on every pore, every line, every wrinkle. Magnifying our insecurities and the things we’re self-conscious about to the point that we convince ourselves that’s what the rest of the world sees about us. We need to learn to zoom out instead. Zoom way out and look at ourselves as a whole. Who we are, what we stand for, who we wish to become. Once we zoom out and stop focusing on all the little things most others never notice, we can take ourselves to the next level.

I recently listened to a Simon Sinek Podcast with Brian Collins, who happens to be my son’s boss and mentor in New York City. It was a brilliant 30 minutes of conversation, and I heard something that I really needed to hear at this moment in my life. Brian Collins said he doesn’t hire on “potential”; rather, he hires those he knows are “inevitably successful.” That stuck out for me for two reasons. Number one, as a mom, I am proud to know this man who hired my 19-year-old son did so because he saw something greater than potential, he saw inevitable success. ❤️ He went on to say that people respond differently to hearing that they will be successful versus having the potential to be successful. What does “potential” mean anyway?

If someone is telling you that you will be successful, and you believe it, you begin to act like success has already found you. We aren’t all so lucky to have a mentor that operates that way, or a boss, friend, or loved one who reminds us that we are “inevitably successful”; therefore, we must start to tell that to ourselves.

As women, we can be our greatest enemy or our greatest ally. We get to choose every morning which gal we’re spending the day with-friend or foe.

I’ve waited a long time to focus on tapping into my “potential.” Let’s say I’ve not gotten far on “potential,” but what if I began to operate on the assumption that my success is inevitable and just around the corner?

What if there’s no argument about it, success is on the way. You WILL BE SUCCESSFUL.

What if you zoomed out and saw yourself as that successful woman? Whatever success means to you, what if you saw yourself that way already. How would you walk? How would stand? Would you hold your head up high with confidence? How would you look? What would you wear? How would you speak? Does the successful version of you conduct herself more eloquently, does she have more confidence when she enters the room? Does this successful version of you walk quickly with energy and tenacity or does she walk slowly with purpose and power?

Ask yourself these questions and write down all the characteristics of the successful version of you. Wake up every day telling yourself that your success is inevitable. Go about your day as if you’ve already achieved it. If we start to practice this daily, it will become a habit, and telling ourselves that success is inevitable is a nice habit to pick up.

As Mother’s Day rolls around remember to thank all the women who have encouraged you throughout your life and made you who you are.

Most importantly, remember that despite all the best skincare, makeup, and fashion, true beauty is within.