Easiest way to get started losing weight!

As I sit here writing this blog I’m sitting at a car dealership having my car serviced and just had a nice conversation with a sales gentleman about weight loss. We discussed caloric intake and the health & weight loss benefits of intermittent fasting. It went from there to jobs and his experience in sales. He said that I gave him a lot to think about and he was happy we’d had our conversation. How cool is that?

Eight or nine months ago I never would have thought that I’d be giving someone advice about weight loss on my website, via video, or in person by way of random meetings with strangers yet here I am! God works in mysterious ways.

It reminds me that when you have something that you are passionate about, something that allows you to have at least 85% worth of knowledge; your passion radiates, and translates to influence providing you the opportunity to change peoples’ lives. In so many ways I am not the same person that I was in August of 2019 when this all began. I have evolved and I am proud of who I am today and excited for who I will become tomorrow.

Evolution and transformation take on many forms and many areas in your life. Perhaps you’re at your ideal weight, but you want a better job or you want to become more financially secure, or travel more. You have the ability to make all of the above a reality.

This is not exactly what I intended to write when I first began this post, but it evolved because of a chance encounter. Losing weight has allowed me to have confidence that I didn’t fully have before; opening myself up and inviting more good things, good people, and good encounters into my life. Out with the old, in with the new so to speak. So as you watch the video below I really hope that if you are watching because you are also seeking a lifestyle transformation you will be inspired as well as find some value in my video.

My goal is to empower and inspire women everywhere, (and sometimes men) which perhaps is a lofty goal, but just like losing weight, it IS POSSIBLE!

*There are also recent transformation pics below. From May 2019- March 2020 Same dress in all photos; size 12 (originally worn with spanx to hold everything in place LOL) I recently had to go shopping for a few new ones and my current dress size is a size 6.

Below is the link to the website that I referenced in the video.


Lose It! Is the app for tracking and adding all calories.
